The Sixth Floor will be taking a short break for the next few weeks, as I will be out of the country. But at least the long plane ride will give me enough time to work on upcoming pages! See you all when I return!
Author: sixthfloorcomic
One Year on The Sixth Floor
June 6 will mark the one year anniversary The Sixth Floor! Thank you so much for reading, whether you were here from the beginning or just started! This is a labor of love for me, and it’s nice to know that there are others out there who enjoy it.
Here’s to another year of office shenanigans!
We Made It!
And today marks the end of the first season of The Sixth Floor. Thanks to those of you who followed along this little experiment of mine. Season two will start up in early 2024, but I will be taking some time off from posting to work on things like the website.
I hope to see you when I start back up again, and please spread the word!
The Beginning
Welcome to The Sixth Floor! I’ll try to keep the introductory post to a minimum, since you’ll get more information if you explore the site. My name is Pete and this is my second webcomic. I will be posting it here on the site once a week, and posting it on social media as well (see below for links). I will also have an email newsletter so that my posts don’t get hidden in a see of other posts.
However you choose to read The Sixth Floor, I hope you enjoy it. I’ve had fun creating it and I’m quite proud of it.
Let the workday begin!